In order to achieve this the senate needed to grant approval and until then you would have to station your army outside the city. As any propraetor before Caesar after a successful military campaign you would request to have a triumph, where you would process your forces with any trophies of the conquest throughout the city of Rome. Caesar would later return to Rome in 60 BCE after a successful military campaign in Spain. After finishing his term as praetor in 61 BCE Caesar was sent to Spain as propraetor. A year later Caesar would be elected praetor and divorce his wife Pompeia after hearing of an apparent scandal between her and another man.

Caesar then shocked everyone when he was elected to be pontifex maximus (chief priest) which was normally a position held by someone of greater age then just 37. This shows an early interest that Crassus had in Caesar’s political career that they clearly already had similar interests. The funding for these games didn’t only come from the pockets of Caesar but also the pockets of Crassus, who gave large loans to him. This is where the friendship between Pompey and Caesar would begin and later evolve into the First Triumvirate.Ĭaesar had expensive and lavish games held in order to win popular favor, and be elected curcule aedile in 65 BCE. While in the senate Caesar supported Pompey’s addresses for generalship to fight the Mediterranean Pirates, and would later be in favor of extending Pompey’s command to fight against King Mithridates. Pompeia came from a prominent family with being the granddaughter of Sulla.

In 68 BCE Caesar was elected questor and received a seat in the senate, along with now marrying a new wife named Pompeia. This reveals Caesar’s profound talent of envisioning greatness for himself along with his ability of self- dramatization. At both funerals Caesar spoke of the ancient nobility of his family, with his mother’s side descending from the first kings and his father’s from the gods. After sending some years making his name known Caesar was elected to the position of military tribune in 72 BCE.Ĭaesar’s Aunt Julia and wife Cornelia would soon pass away around 69 BCE. After moving back to Rome Caesar had goals of starting a career as a lawyer and being an influential member in Roman society. Caesar was successful in doing this and upon the death of Sulla in 78 BCE. He needed to convince Nicomedes to allow him to obtain a fleet of ships for the Roman Navy. Caesar was ordered then by his general to be an embassy to Nicomedes, the King of Bithynia. The civic crown is awarded to any solider for saving the life a Roman citizen during battle. Caesar was then elected to be on the staff of a military legate, after receiving the civic crown in 79 BCE. Caesar immediately went into hiding, until later when his influential friends would be able to give him pardon and allow his marriage to exist. Caesar refused to divorce his wife and Sulla proscribed him, meaning that he was on the list to be executed. This was all occurring after 85 BCE when Sulla was in power and decided to order Caesar to divorce Cornelia. After being married to Caesar, Cornelia gave birth to Caesar’s only legitimate child who was then named Julia. Cornelia was the daughter of a prominent member in the Popular faction, this shows early signs of Caesar’s wants for more by using marriage to elevate his standing in society. When Caesar reached the age of 18 he married his wife Cornelia. At the young age of 16 Caesar’s father passed away, causing him to become very close with his mother Aurelia. Caesar’s family was still far from rich even though they were considered to be Roman aristocrats. Caesar’s Aunt Julia was wife to Gaius Marius, who at the time of Caesar’s birth was the leader of the Popular faction of Roman Politics. Gaius Julius Caesar was born in Rome, Italy in the year 100 BCE to the patrician family of Gaius Julius Caesar and his wife Aurelia.